Wednesday, June 6, 2012

5 months later...

The start of May wasn't my best...  I started the month with a NASTY bronchitis that turned into Pneumonia.  Great.  What's an athlete to do?  Rest?  Yeah, right.  Those who know me, know I'm sorta obsessive with my training and feel extremely guilty when skipping workouts.  I got the antibiotics ASAP and got out there again, starting slow, but steady.  After a week and a half, I felt like myself again.

I'm still trying to stay focused since this tends to be the hardest part of my training.  Five months into a very repetitive routine, you start losing motivation.  This is what my day has consisted of since January 2nd: Eat, work, eat, workout, eat, sleep, repeat. EVERY DAY. The weekends? Sleep in, eat, workout, eat, rest, eat, sleep.  Social life? Limited. Work on the yard? Not happening. I peaked through the blinds yesterday, the yard is a true jungle.

I swam more than the previous month, which is good, since, like you've already heard, last year I didn't swim at all after February so: SUCCESS!  I feel good in the water, that's good.  Another good thing this month was that my bike mileage was the most I've ever done in a month ever... almost 400 miles! And also, had two great long runs including a 19 mile one.

All in all, a successful month where "FOCUS" is still a key ingredient which I'm trying to keep in mind every morning I wake up.

Weight: Lost an extra pound.  I'm currently very content at 134lbs and while I'd love to lose a couple more this month for race day, I may just have to embrace my 134lbs.  Don't wanna lose too much more.  This is officially a loss of 19lbs since I started training!
Swim: Still skipped a couple workouts but not as many as last month. 6km
Bike: The most I've ever ridden. 396 miles. Nutrition still GREAT! Run: 52 miles. A little more than last month, but ran 2 very successful long runs which makes me happy.

Goals for June: 
I won't be sport-specific, mostly because it's Ironman month and I would just like to stick to training plan as much as possible and maintain what I've worked for.  I did give up drinking for a full month.  My last drink (a Bloody Mary) was on May 23rd and will drink again at the finish line of my Ironman on June 24th. This is also the fun part or Ironman training, the part where you get to count down and be nervous and emotional every single day.  I sorta wanna enjoy that... It's a great journey!  :) 

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