Friday, September 27, 2013

29- Race postponed

I was catching a cold yesterday and I had a sore throat and body aches.  I drank as much Emergen-C as I could and worked my best to not get sick. I worked 8 hours today, mostly on the field. It was cold and rainy all day and got back home to nap. 

I am still feeling a little off, but figured I could sleep until 6pm and then go to REI to get GUs and to the store for some healthy dinner/breakfast items. It was hard to even think about doing that since I was feeling so under the weather, but my race was tomorrow. 

At 6:45pm I happened to check Facebook only to find that due to today's rain the race would be postponed to Sunday. Really? 


The good, the bad, the ugly of the rescheduling: 

1. The good: I have an extra day to recover from my cold and overall from being tired. I got obsessed with watching Transrockies videos last night and didn't go to bed til 1:30am and got up at 6:00am. That made me tired today because I'm used to sleeping 8 or more hours. I'll make sure I rest. 

2. The bad: I've been mentally prepping for a while. I'm ready for it to be over and I was sorta liking the fact that it was EXACTLY 4 weeks before my wedding. Now it's 3 weeks and 6 days before... not the same ring to it. And lastly, I won't get as muddy as I was hoping to get. I like getting muddy in trail runs. 

Yeah... no dirt. no gain
3. The ugly: I had committed to work with Without Limits on Sunday, and as I transition careers, it sorta sucks to lose the money since I don't have an established salary. And also, it ruined my Sunday afternoon of football with Kev and Court and with the jalapeno margaritas at Cantina Denver. This truly infuriates me. 

On a happy note:  I will have tomorrow to REALLY think about strategy. 

Also, did I mention my wedding is in 29 days? 

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