I remember how many hours and work I put into last year's training and it is scary to know that I have to do it all over again. Also, I forgot how hard it is to get in good swimming, biking and running shape all at the same time. The difference is though, that this year, I feel stronger mentally. This way, it is easier to be more consistent and to push myself a little harder.
Here are some stats for this month's training:
Weight: Lost 7lbs, still a few more to go to get to my ideal race weight
Swim: I swam 10.3km (or 6.4 miles). I confess I skipped 2 swim workouts on days that I was exhausted.
Bike: I rode 224 miles... and I'm just getting started!
Run: I ran 56.8 miles and got new shoes along the way. Those new shoes already have 30.2 miles on 'em!
Goals for February:
Weight: Continue a steady weight loss with the balanced meal plan that I followed the last two weeks of January
Swim: DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE! Try to not skip any workouts!
Bike: Get new pedals for "Bella", my new TT bike, and take her for a ride outside.
Run: Keep working pace for long runs. Whatever it takes.
Great job Gaby! You are such a great athlete and friend. Your blog rocks. You inspire me. Keep up the great work!!!! :)