Not only have I not been disciplined enough to not write on my blog, I also have not been disciplined enough to get out and run. I've been able to find excuses not to do so. Not that I haven't gone out at all, I just haven't gone on as many runs as I'd like to or get the mileage I'd like to. But that all changed yesterday...
March has been a month full of visits from family. I definitely took the time to drop everything and go up to the mountains to spend some time with uncles, aunts and cousins. It definitely put a dent in my training, but I didn't have anything too crazy this month... Actually, I didn't have anything, PERIOD.
Cousins visiting... and I got distracted! |
My brother was the last one to visit, and my hubby and I made a point of showing him a good time. Taking advantage of the wonderful weather on Sunday, we decided to hit the trails. We had planned a 14 mile run, and while I usually hate cutting my runs short, my brother wasn't feeling so great. The shoes that he runs in are a piece of crap. He's had them for over two years, and they have on them marathon training and a full marathon... among many many other runs. His foot hurt, he said. I don't doubt it.
Happy family running! |
The run was great... I was back out on the trails on a nice, clear, sunny day! Our 14-miler, ended up being a 10-miler... well, just shy of 10, but it was good. On Tuesday, I made myself go to Boulder Rez to run with the team. I told my coach I was ready to start pushing hard. I don't FEEL fully ready, but if I don't push myself now, then when? I keep telling myself (and Coach) that I need to shed a few pounds... Eric (coach) says it doesn't look like it. But I KNOW I have an extra 8ish pounds that I wouldn't miss if they were gone. I am the heaviest I've been in 2 years (literally) and this time 2 years ago, I was well into a weight-loss program where I had already lost roughly 10 of the 20 pounds I wanted to lose. So... if I continue to eat out and be lazy on my training, I will quickly go back to where I was in January of 2012. No way, Jose!
I've been good this week and have followed my training plan to the T. And feel it's time to get re-energized. Desert RATS is coming up and I better be kicking its butt.
Ok... so I'm gonna head out for a minute... or two... to run.